Rockets Explode

CritHitd20 6979

I think the best way to play Jemison currently is a no-frills supermodernism deck. Yes, the only card that triggers the ability is Oberth, but the ability to get one FA of a double counter Atlas or a High-Risk is pretty strong. You either get the dream card combinations or you get crazy rich and the runner can't avoid the Midseasons threat. If you like the DotW but it looks too fun, give this iteration a try.

Ice was based around the acknowledgement of a Parasite meta, and it does a decent job of providing the speed bumps needed to rush out most if not all of the game. Caprice most often serves as protection for Medium or Siphon rather than as remote protection, but it can close games if your opponent has a bunch of tech.

The strongest version of this deck is in all likelyhood a Titan Transnational deck with GFI but that's no fun.