[ETERNAL] Biomedical Deal

Silent Arbiter 479

Hi everyone,

This is my attempt at a lock deck that allows us to score out while making the runner unable to access anything. We keep the runner poor via Scarsity while setting up some ices on the centrals, using jackson to draw into the siviks and discarding the overdrawn cards, tipically etr ices. We do money and we big deal our 6 points, gameplan is as easy as that.



  • Bacterial: being able to trash all the etr ices from the top, drawing economy and utility is so strong. early game we can consider leaving one for the runner (if not on Film Critic) just to set up faster.

  • SSL : This is one of our main econ cards. It allows us to recover after the first Big Deal, helps a lot if stolen aswell.


1) runner can't find a second agenda! It's an unwritten rule. Oh wait, I just wrote it.

2) Hades Shard exists. (Thanks @Augustus & @baa for making it a must in every runner deck due to this non sense.

3) Clot + Sacrificial Construct exists, we might have to lose some turns just purging.

4) This format is fun. Really fun. I'm in love with it and I strongly suggest you to give it a try.

But Silent, ok, eternal is fun but this deck is so boring to play and to play against.

You are right.

Play it more. :)

5 Jan 2024 Council
