"We never sleep" - Neither do I.

Neuro 100

Played some test games yesterday and it won 3 out of 4 times. Lost only against a Noise deck who milled all my non-agenda cards and I just drew an agenda flood. Even worth Noise milled all 3 Jackson Howards pretty fast.

Since all the other games were very fast I couldn't really test some ideas I had, like if Neural Katana is worth it. I want to use Wormhole to resolve Neural Katana's subrutine as well.

Needs some more testing :)

12 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

If only Wormhole could de-rez itself with Cell Portal's subroutine...

12 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Lag Time, Chum, and/or Patch might be really useful for getting your big ice out of Knight range.