Bing bang boom

krh372 1

Played this casually and had some success. Mainly looking for help improving it :)

The idea is the money up as quickly as possible and blow up the runner. Basically, Jeeves gives you the chance to Localized Product Line for Scorched, then SEA - 2x Scorch in one turn, or SEA - 3x Scorch if you already have all the pieces.

As for money, Indian Union Stock Exchange synergizes with many of the cards. Playing Hedge Fund for 13 is nice ;)

Once you get Jeeves out, you can rapidly dig with Jackson for the pieces, playing ops or installing ice as necessary. Sometimes scoring a The Cleaners if you see a window can help secure the kill too.

I tried a different version that went for Salem's Hospitality instead of Jeeves, but I found that the extra click made things a bit more reliable.

Also, Cyberdex is interchangeable with Crisium depending on what you expect.

Looking forward to any thoughts anyone might have!

18 May 2016 zwarbo

I had the same thoughts of Jeeves in Weyland. My version was hopeless though, but I think that was because I had just barrier ice and Vipers. I wonder if 5/3 agendas are a liability and instead I went for never advance Atlas / Corp sales team and GFI instead of LPL. I might give your ice suite a go with my agenda suite.

How long does the stock exchange last? Or is it really for a one turn special?

18 May 2016 krh372

@zwarbo I mainly went for the 5/3s for the lower density, though scoring any one of them can help you win with the kill. Hive is usually good for a single score or for being really taxing while you dig for the pieces. There's enough ICE in here to toss a few on remotes, and enough assets to go slightly horizontal and make the runner waste some time.

As for the Indian Union Stock Exchange, if you time it right, they give a nice boost and can tax the runner nicely, which creates windows as well. Part of the strategy here is to get the combo as quickly as possible and then time the kill.

I feel like the main weakness is the lack of recursion, but I'm not sure.