Kill it with fire !

Meijin 67

Score False Lead early, wait for Snare!/Fetal AI, use False Lead and kill it with Scorched Earth and/or Ronin !
7 Oct 2013 Syntax

There is a problem to me, as a specialized Jinteki player... You just ignore Junebugs.

With 3 Nisei and 3 Ronin, any advanced card installed is to be run at. You won't be able to play the deck with the same person once he figures it out.

Those 3 Fetal may not be there to be scored, so I don't count them in that remark.

Second point I think you'd better have some PSF than Brainstrust, if you closely look at the prices of your ices.

And third point is 12/45 make 26% chance of drawing an agenda. (13% on a Snare or Fetal, which is cool).

My advice would be to take out Brainstrust, Gila AND Nisei for 11 points, put 3x 5/3 + 1 PSF and with the slots left at least two Junebugs or 3.

That makes 13.33% to draw a Fetal or Snare @ 45 (13.04% @ 46) 22.22% @ 45 or 21.73% to draw an agenda from R&D (from 26%)

With 2 junebugs, 22.22% of your installed and advanced cards are Junebugs and are not meant to be run at and 55.55% are dealing net damages (with Fetal). With 3 Junebugs, 30.00% of your installed and advanced cards are Junebugs and are not meant to be run at and 60% are dealing net damages.