Android: Netinstaller (Virus Griefer.dek)

HolyMackerel 1495

The name of this game is clearly misleading. It's not like this game is about running, right? That's not where the action happens.

This is my current verion of the Can o' Whupass-Virus Griefer deck by tyrellian, further developed by holding. All props to them for figuring out what this game is really about.

See, Noise is a class above the other runners. While MaxX might rock cyberspace to death, Andromeda might hack in evening gowns, and Chaos Theory has the prettiest dinosaur in the world, Noise is f***ing EXTRAORDINAIRE!

'cause he doesn't run like the others. He won't be getting his hands dirty climbing over Ice Walls, engaging angry Komainus. or even breathe the same virtual air as the little people.

See, the corps will try to goad you into charging into their Archers and Januses to kill you. They will try to tag n' bag you with Sea Source or Cerebral Cast. But they'll never get the chance. You won't fall for their tricks. You will never expose your neck, hacking comfortably from your lounge at the hotel. You just won't run on them.

Don't run.

Instead, calmly set up your drip econ with Daily Casts, Earthrise Hotel, Aesop's Pawnshop and Djinn.

Get your Chakanas up, along with the Hivemind on 3 and your breeding grounds. Yes, this will take time. But trust me, once the machine is rolling, there is no stopping it.

And then, honestly, you can just wait while your Incubator(s) build up, and let the Corp purge your virus counters as they flail away under your pressureless pressure. Use Gravedigger in your downtime to trash their deck, and rebuy Caches with Deja Vu for more milling. Force the corp to do something, because you are putting them on a clock. When you feel like you've punched their deck enough, pop a Hades Shard. You might win on the spot. Probably not, though, as people generally prepare for this and pop their Jacksons on their own turns to not flat out lose.

Once your have them on a deck size of about 10-15, pop an Incubator onto Hivemind, Install Darwin and Medium, and make your ONE run for the entire game. And make it a Demolition Run. Because even if they've been hoarding their agendas in their hand where you have no multi-access, they can still lose from having their entire R&D department smashed to the ground.

The deck is always under modification, as any Netinstaller deck should be. Some slots that still are in flux are:

3 Aesop's vs 3 Chakana. This one is hard. Aesop's is very important to get early, but does absolutely zilch in multiples. Meanwhile, Chakana is phenomenal once your machine is rolling, but does nothing to set it up. Atm I'm hedging on ol' Aesop. 2 Chakanas are usually enough to keep the Corp honest, but the third would REALLY be the nail in the coffin. Why doesn't Noise have 17 influence?

Demolition Run vs Showing Off. I'm personally on the side of Demo Run, since if you need to make a second Medium run, you'll see fresh cards anyway, and it can do a burst of milling on up to ten cards in one fell swoop. I can see the argument for Showing off, but so far it's not strong enough.

Vigil: More clickless econ. I'm considering cutting Cyberfeeders for one or two, as they haven't been working very hard in recent games.

Utopia Shard and Eden Shard: Both are actually reasonable in this deck. Eden mills two, and can force the win. Utopia is even better, as it can set up your Hades Shard even better.

Noise is the extraordinary hacker. The old-school hacker, going at the corps with viruses and code rather than putting his brain on the line. Kate and Leela, Reina and Andy are going about this hacking game the wrong way. Don't smack your face into their Ice, don't fall for their traps. Just sit back and let your little children of disease do your dirsty work for you. Because it works.