
napalm900 342

Meiosis is like mitosis except much weirder, resulting in unpredictable cell division that ultimately produces unexpected results (I mean look how you turned out!).

This deck is unpredicatable and weird in that we want to use mitosis to install and advance ice alongside your assets and agendas. A typical ice-tosis turn might look like:

  • Click 1 & 2: Mitosis -> install an ice in a new server and a trap/asset/agenda in a second new server.
  • Click 3: Jam a card under the new double advanced ice. Once the runner recovers from the intial shock of "Mitosis can do that!" they then have to make the awkward decision of what to do about the split.

Your goal is not necessarily to flat-line the runner (though it can happen), but instead to confuse, scare, and trick the runner to the point you can sneak out a Regenesis or get some easy Blood in the Water scores.

Cell Division

Shenanigans of note:

  • Moon Pool: I've grown to absolutley love this card. My favourite use is not to actually use it for advancements, but to rez it at the end of the runners turn to discard an Obo or Jumon into archives from HQ. This is followed by triple advancing a Regenesis sitting on the table on your turn! If you are able to discard an additional agenda from HQ or had an agenda already sitting in archives, you can get an advancement onto Regenesis from Moon Pool before your turn begins.

  • Thimblerig: Pop these onto your centrals and once your mitosis'ed ice on the remotes have served their purpose, shift that Pharos/Akhet/Mestnichestvo back onto your squishy centrals.

  • Jumon: Sneak this out with Regenesis and it enables your silly ice-tosis fork even more!

  • Blood in the Water: This card literally makes you feel like a shark circling when you see the runners hand dwindling smaller and smaller over the course of their turn. Between your ID, Obo, ambushes and even data loop, there is a high chance you can score these out for next to nothing.

  • Gene Splicer: This can secure you the win if you've snuck out 4 points from a Regenesis + Obo, and a 2 pointer, or just give you teeth to maybe score another Blood in the Water

  • Anemone: Try hold off rezzing this until the runner runs near the end of their turn, letting you discard that agenda into archives for cheeky Regenesis score or even flat-line on your turn!

It's really exciting seeing the tools coming just around the corner with Parhelion that support sneaky Jinetki archives play even more. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a a lot of fun with Parhelion's release!

P.S. Thanks NSG for all the effort you all put into each release, it's absolutely awesome!

8 Dec 2022 Council

Absolutely lovely.

8 Feb 2023 Buppu2099

Thanks for the great write-up. Looks like fun, I will give it a try.