
Targ3t 7

My version of a "Run yourself to ruin while I score agendas"-deck. Beginning player, so constructive critisism is welcome!

16 Feb 2016 Delrian

Running Scorched Earth as a one-of isn't great imo. Especially when your only tagging options require the runner to take a tag from either Snare! or Hunter (or their own cards) and not spend a click to remove it before you take your turn.

I'd either up it to two and include cards like Cerebral Cast, which can force them to choose between a brain damage, which makes them easier to kill with other net-damage cards, or a tag which opens them up to scorched earth. You'd have to drop Pop-up Window and one of your HB traps to get the other Scorched Earth though.

If you have Creation and Control, I'd swap Aggressive Secretary with Cerebral Overwriter, brain damage is always crippling, while programs have plenty of recursion to go around.

Also, up it to three Jackson Howards. He helps you with agenda flooding, recovering Parasite'd Komainus and recurring Snare!s so they can hit again from R&D.

I'd also swap Melange Mining Corp. with PAD Campaign, as the former usually nets one turn of use before being trashed by the runner... the three extra credits to trash a PAD Campaign makes it a lot more taxing.

Ronin would also be a great include in order to punish runners for not running Mushin No Shin'd remotes in fear of Cerebral Overwriter and Project Junebugs.

Cards I'd probably drop copies of to make up for the others I mentioned: Melange - > PAD Psychic Field -> down to 2 or 1. Maybe substitute Shock!s or Shi.Kyūs to discourage archives runs. Aggressive Secretary -> Cerebral Overwriter Hunter -> Jackson Howard

See if those changes help you out.

16 Feb 2016 Targ3t

@Delrian Thnx for the pointers! I don't have Creation and Control yet, so some of the cards you mentioned are not in my collection at the moment. Also, the Jackson Howard was a gift, so I only have 1 right now.

I will try to incorperate some of the advice you gave. And you've given me some great tips for what to buy next ;)