Leys beak and bleeding, (Try and Turing this!)

Dread Sovereign 300

Here we are again, another massive change to how Anarchs play, Originally this deck was running D4, Overmind and Darwin, now with the sudden release of Turing running that is very difficult.

Of course I could just throw in a decoder to get past it, but then I'm left with a choice between Yog and Force of nature, none of these being great options and then of course there is the chance I might not run into my single copy of it and still be stuck.

So here we are running a dedicated Icebreaking suite (Damn the Ai hate)

So what do you need to know?

  1. As usual no placrete, no Problem you a god damn full blooded Anarch. Your scorched and punative defence is a combination of I'v had worse (steelskin) well timed Wanton Destruction and Account Siphons. all of which have a use when not against a kill deck. As long as you never take a tag against an Argus deck with false lead scored, you should be fine.

  2. Career fair huh? With the sheer amount of resources being run that activate "At the start of the turn" I was finding that the supplier was to slow, Career fair, while a one shot ability reduces the cost by more and allows start of turn abilities to trigger.

  3. Cutlery, well if your going to take any Cutlery into this sudden gun fight corps are bringing to the table its going to be... all of them, in days gone by you may have gotten away with just bringing a knife to a gun fight, but now you need to be burning as many of those bridges as possible, Forked is especially important as your sentry breaker has limited uses.

  4. Hacktivist Meeting, Anarchs finally got a good current event (Valencia decks aside) and its the best current event on the runners side, great for shutting of those Enhanced Login Protocol, and great against RP and NEH what more could you ask for?

  5. The Queens Gambit, While many people are running "Day Job" i'm finding the sudden tempo loss of sitting back and not applying pressure sucks against some of the faster paced corp decks (NEH, Jinteki Shell game, FA HB) if you really want those 8 credits for four clicks you can, Queens Gambit gets you six and two more clicks makes 8, why bother being employed in some dead end job when you can play with fire and triple advance project beale (Or more probably Jackson Howard, seriously its hard to mess up with this card)

  6. My favorite console for my meta, +2 memory which keeps those Data Foldings ticking away, +2 hand size which makes you harder to kill, especially since you should have at least one I'v Had worse in hand. Its also going to be good when HB brain train finally hits and we all have hand sizes of one...

  7. Datafolding AKA "UnderworldContactsthattriggersfromthestartofthagame" the rig is designed to keep it going forever so its wonderful drip economy. its also free to install with Career fair

  8. Earthrise Hotel: Its like Marmite, you love it or hate it... Personally I think its a wonderful source of draw power. Professionally I think its a lot classier than Wylde side and you will benefit from better company.

  9. Cuj.0... bit weird this use to be a mimic to avoid swordsman slicing through you rather nice rig, now we also have to watch out for Cortex lock which is unfortunately above Strength 3 so it can't be mimic'ed, and your no longer packing D4V1D so thats your only option.

  10. Gordian Blade, I have a serious problem with fixed St breakers, there are just to many exceptions to them that make it to dangerous to run them by themselves, and if you are running a one of Decoder to get past lotus field, why are you not just running that Decoder anyway? Come on Anarchs get an in house way of getting past it that isn't an AI (Or Force of Nature)

And that's it, Unfortunately I don't think this deck is as powerful as the Original "All Natural (Ignoring the Valley)" but times change and that deck has a massive weakness to Turing. Hopefully the new Anarch cybernetic will actually be decent and we can continue, otherwise it may be a good time to return to shapers.

Link to counterpart Corp deck: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/20319/mi55in9-y0u-a7r3ady-come-back-when-you-have-a-breaker-

8 May 2015 RedScharlach

Just curious, why Quetzal? Seems like this exact deck would be playable in Whizzard, Reina, and Ed Kim as well.

8 May 2015 whirrun

I'm not sure what the Turing Problem is. David isn't an AI and so can still break it on a remote. I guess it is tougher on a central if you aren't parasiting it though.

9 May 2015 Dread Sovereign

@RedScharlach I guess in an effort to keep up with this new cycle, this deck might have stepped away from the Whole Quetzal based ability, Its probably better with Reina I would say, but then I haven't played her since Blue sun was released.

@whirrun I Guess its more a problem of people knowing I was running an AI based deck and just Icing up Centrals with Turing instead, which past iterations of this deck couldn't deal with.

I haven't even touched parasite or knight since Blue Sun came out, which are totally dead against it (Like Anarchs need and more dead draws)

And if I found two slots for parasites I might as put decoders into the slots instead and then why run AI at all if I'm running 2/3's of a legitimate rig....so here we are.

9 May 2015 Dread Sovereign

@whirrun I don't even know how I would deal with Turing on a central in Blue Sun without a decoder... Now way your going to be even given the chance to parasite that.