
braindmg 8

This deck is based on my increasing hatred of the Netrunner meta and I just gradually added cards that counter certain decks. It has a very high win-rate on jinteki.net.

Sandburg I started the deck without this card but it's really strong and Friends in High Places makes it ridiculous.

Crisium Grid Works against most decks now. Added it as protection from siphon but it has uses against #temujin contracts, keyhole, legwork and so on.

Will-o'-the-Wisp added this after bein crushed by Baba Yaga. Annoying for most decks but Baba Yaga decks usually just concede.

Ark Lockdown Anti-recursion, Usually remove siphons or blackmails with it. If the runner starts discarding paperclip/black orchestra/mk ultra I usually try and not rez that kind of ice and then ark lockdown that breaker from their heap once they've discarded 2 copies.

Enhanced Login Protocol Not sure about this one. Added after feeling locked by Rumor Mill.

Turing and Swordsman since many players still use AI breakers.

Lab Dog Not sure about this but many runners seem to rely on a specific console now.