Moony Ob (1st and undefeated @ Singapore CO)

jan tuno 3863

I decided to attend Singapore CO at the last minute and I had no clue what to bring. Everything feels scary in Big Hoshiko world and it's not obvious how to beat it.

Then I ran into Doomrat playing Maninthemoon's Ob on jnet casual and it looked like a deck that could beat Big Hoshiko by just requiring a huge amount of frontloaded tempo that a big deck can struggle to find early. This intuition proved to be right as this killed an Apoc Hoshiko, a 45 Hoshiko, and two Big Hoshikos today.

I would have liked to tinker with Maninthemoon's list more but didn't have time for it. The only changes I made were -1 Anemone +1 Hard-Hitting News (easy one) and -1 BOOM! +1 Rashida Jaheem. This one is a little weird: Rashida is sometimes sort of a 4th Svyatogor Excavator, sometimes gives you a very explosive opening, but is often very awkward in the mid to late game. Someone who's good at slots may find ways to fit more, but I think the third BOOM! is probably a good fit, though an End of the Line wouldn't be bad either.

Thanks to Ghost00 for holding this, and to my opponents.


2 Jul 2023 maninthemoon

Nice deck :) Well done!

3 Jul 2023 Jai

grats on the win and well deserved, excellent meta call. Big Hoshiko requires a very specific draw to beat Border Control out of Ob, and you exploited that to the fullest in our game!