FastFoods (2nd at Cleveland Regionals)

CritHitd20 6979

More of a Panda Express than a PF Changs.

This list was 4-1 in Swiss, and 1-1 in elims. Lost to Andy 7-4 Beat Geist 7-0 Beat Quetzal Flatline Beat Noise Flatline Beat Hayley 7-4 Beat Andy 7-2 Lost to Kate 8-4

As with my runner deck, this list was untested, and I made some major misplays throughout the day; I actually designed it the night before the event. Thank you to everyone I played; every game was a blast and I continue to be amazed at how affable Netrunner players are.

I built this deck after being frustrated with how Dumblefork decks can tear down Palana servers and run HQ with no punishment, while also never worrying about running the remote until you represent a score. I decided to try a deck that plays a little bit more like EtF at the cost of Indexing being amazing against you. Now we're in never advance territory, but instead of money your bluffs are the best protective upgrades in the game...or a Snare.

Snare is an awkward card. It doesn't help you score and it siphons money in a real way. But it does discourage runs on HQ after you Gift it, and it protects R&D if Shapers start an RDI lock. I actually managed to flatline two pancake-flippers today with Snare after representing a 3/2.

The agendas are awkward too. Braintrusts and Philotic are only there because they are 3/2s, Nisei is there because it is amazing, and two TFPs means that you've got a slight lead in central protection compared to EtF.

The secret to this list is to just know how to play a real Palana deck. Every game today I scored a naked Braintrust, because no one wants to trash Palana Agroplex. I don't think I would have won as much as I did had I not had so much experience with Whole Foods lists, and I don't think this deck is strong enough in the current iteration to hold its weight against skilled players who know the list. That being said, the list has a LOT of room to improve, and the ice in particular felt incorrect; Ichi was the worst offender, since all I wanted to do with Batty was end the run.

Bluffing is such a fun part of Netrunner, and being able to bluff at a higher-stakes event with a vaguely real deck is a thrill.