Keeling Ban when? - 4th at July AMT

AugustusCaesar 1439

This was my last minute deckswitch for this months AMT. This is @bking's Guantanamo Bay Ag, cut down to 49 cards because that small amount of agenda density reduction I dont think is better than just drawing your combo pieces faster. However, I very much doubt the cuts I made were the right ones.

The deck went 2-2, getting carried by my runner deck to the 4th place finish. The two games I won were absolute stomps, against a big hosh that got permanently stonewalled by thimblerigs and never found a black orchestra. The other was against a Gnat who had the misfortune of installing a Safety First into a early flatline. The other two games I lost because I dont know how to pilot the deck.

16 Jul 2023 crowphie

Ehhhh. I think Ag59 is fairly obscene but broadly not tournament viable because of how long it can take to win. We should all be thankful it's not the definitive best deck in the room because it is absolutely miserable sometimes. Congrats on 4th!

16 Jul 2023 AugustusCaesar

I havent had time problems with this deck. All of my games at the AMT were very solidly under time. But I am admittedly a bit of a fast player and I could benefit from slowing down a bit.