Jak "Boomerang" Sinclair

Krams 949

23 Oct 2020 ShinMuteki

Love your take on Sunny. Always fun to see someone try to make her work. Love the The Achivist in your deck. Should try and find him a spot...the +1 link is very powerful. I feel that John Masanori is not a good fit in my decks.

How do you use him ? With DreamNet and Symmitrical Visage he seems a bit superflous espacially with the tag he gives you. And with John would Deuces Wild be useleful?

23 Oct 2020 Krams

I guess -3 Diesel +3 Deuces Wild would be easily possible to get more tag clearing potential besides Citadel Sanctuary and Flip Switch.

John Masanori can be played along the other draw options to get a lot of draw each turn or as a replacement if you can't find Symmetrical Visage and DreamNet in a 50 cards deck.

A clickless run each turn that gives +1 cred, +2 sucker tokens and +2 cards is just nuts. If I get that setup out fast, I usually skip Baby, since I don't need to click for cards anymore.

24 Oct 2020 Diogene

@Krams This deck can draw a lot. I think Symmetrical Visage is not needed here. You could use those slots of more money (daily cast) and link (sport hopper).

Flip switch is interesting, because it allow to facecheck without fear when you don't have all the breakers.

Not using Aumakua and using Datasucker was fun. Datasucker is really nice with the GS breaker, saving you a lot of creds.

I tried using Multithreader instead of Datasucker, to get the same effect without relying on viruses (which can be purged). It does make run quite a bit cheaper. The funny drawback was this : the corp will not purge, thus will not give you a full turn of doing your own stuff.

I'm still on the fence about Diesel verus I've Had Worse (IHW) versus Making an Entrance (MaE). IHW give you additional protection for one cred. And MaE let you setup your draw very efficiently. More experiments to do :-)

Keep up tweaking Sunny. Let's hope she get additional tools in the next rotation. Mini factions are fun, but they need a bit more love.

27 Oct 2020 Krams

@Diogene I don't think I need a 3rd Hopper, since I usually don't want more than 4 and Hopper is more of a crutch you use until you found The Archivist and Security Nexus and then bust it for instant draw.

I like Diesel as a simple burst draw option, but I guess it's a matter of personal preference which burst draw yoou want.

Maybe John and Baby are a bit over the top, though, I dunno... I rarely install both of them in the same match, it's more like slotting more options to make finding any draw card more consistent.

27 Oct 2020 Diogene

@Krams That is nice. Using Hopper until The Archivist is a good combo. We are both going for lots of draw to speed up Sunny. In my case, since I went got the Gachapon and Street Peddler route, I need more redundancy in my cards, since a lot will be trashed. The big advantage of using Gachapon and Street Peddler is getting cards early in a more consistent way, because it is like looking in your deck, while thinning it. It is a different strategy, the cost is being more vulnerable to grinder deck, but better equip against fast advance deck.

Diesel is a very good burst card. Generally, I would prefer I've Had Worse, because of the added protection it gives. Allowing you to be aggressive versus grinder and jinteki deck. But it is mainly because I am less aggressive in my style of play (I get the irony of the statement, for someone who use Gachapon and Street Peddler).

In this deck, I feel that Symmetrical Visage (SV) could be taken down in favor of an extran Daily Casts and an extra Security Nexus. Getting that Security Nexus early is key to your deck and to let you put more pressure on the corp. This would get you more value than having 2 SV.

I have to say, experimenting like this with Sunny is tremendously fun. I feel some of those insight could be imported in other faction. Like using Security Nexus with Val or Alice. Fun time ahead.

27 Oct 2020 Krams

I will soon try out “your“ way of Gachapon and Street Peddler as well to get even more insight.