Kit's pet chameleon named Dinosaurus v1.1

Koiring 2

I took @vesper's advice and got rid of Paintbrush, Dyson Mem Chip's, Aurora, and my 2 Data Folding. Dropped 1 I've Had Worse, to take a Corroder and an Easy Mark. Also added 3 Sure Gambles, 2 Dirty Laundrys, and one more Underworld Contact.

I feel pretty happy about this deck :D Now...I just have to find friends to test it ^.^

If anyone sees anything that could be improved, let me know! This community is one of the friendliest and nicest I've been apart of.


12 Jan 2016 MrAaronSA

I have no idea how the Chameleon's will work out for you in a Kit build, but it's a neat idea to put them on Dinosaurus.

A couple quick ideas:

I don't think Underworld Contact is actually doing that much for you here. It's best used in a runner that either has 1 natural link already so it can be turned on earlier, or in a deck where the link servers a higher purpose. The only real benefit I see is that it also brings you ZU.13 Key Master down to 0 mem, but that's not enough. To put it into perspective, if you install Underworld Contact plus the two Rabbit Holes (or a The Helpful AI) , you don't see a profit on it til 7 turns later!

As a form of damage protection, I've Had Worse is a very good card. It's a little bit worse in a Chameleon build, here's the funny reason why: Chameleon returns to hand after the runner's discard phase, which in many cases will leave you with a 6 card hand heading into the corp's turn. Let's say the corporation wants to double Scorched Earth you. In order for I've Had Worse to save you, the corp will have to hit it with their first Scorched Earth. In a five card hand, there's only a 1 in 5 chance they'll miss it. In a 6 card hand, there's actually a 1 in 3 chance they'll miss it. If they miss it, their next Scorched Earth will flatline you. If you have questions about any of that, just google i've had worse, scorched earth. Moral of the story, Plascrete Carapace is likely a better include for this deck, and will save you influence anyway.

12 Jan 2016 daytodave

Let's see.

It looks like you started out wanting The Helpful AI to boost Chameleon, and the extra lead to wanting Rabbit Hole, and thus ZU.13, Creeper and Underworld Contact. Is that correct?

I would say keep the heart of the deck, but take out the link subtheme. You're already trying to do something creative in less-flexible identity; you don't need to force another mechanic into it, and it will make you too slow. This is especially true because the two problems link is solving for you right now are getting money and having enough memory. Neither of those are problems a shaper should be worried about.

So -2 Rabbit Hole, -3 Helpful AI, -3 Underworld Contact, -1 Creeper, -1 ZU.13 gives us 10 open card slots. We need a way of breaking sentries, a scalable code gate breaker, and some more money, at minimum.

I would also recommend switching I've Had Worse, Easy Mark and either Dirty Laundry or Modded for Diesel and Plascrete Carapace.

Now you have 10 cards and 5 influence to play with. You should spend your influence on things you can't do in faction or with neutral cards. Things shapers are generally good at include: making money over the long term, pressuring R&D, finding the cards they need, recursion, and breaking code gates. Things we're generally bad at include: HQ multiaccess, making money quickly, bypassing ice, and trashing cards.

13 Jan 2016 Koiring

@MrAaronSAand @daytodave, thanks for shooting me your ideas and thoughts!

@MrAaronSAI can see how slow it would be for Underworld Contact to pay off when you put it that way. It does seem like it is a general consensus that Plascrete Carapace is mandatory in nearly every deck. Having a 6 card hand would be kind of a bummer if they were to play Sweeps Week on me, that's for sure.

@daytodavemy initial idea was to have Kit with Chameleon and Dinosaurus. Thinking that I could always get through that first piece of ICE unless it was over 5 str. Run on it, then jack out, just to tax the corp. I was also thinking of putting in some LLDS Processors to aid the Chameleon, but I felt that that forced me to lean too heavily on just using it for one piece of ICE. Right now, I kind of feel that the Clone Chips really aren't worth it in this deck. I mean I have Levy AR Lab Access and Same Old Thing if stuff hits the fan, so that'll clear up 3 influence and 3 cards.

I have, at the moment, 1 core set, the first 3 expansions (so no Data and Destiny), Genesis Cycle, Spin Cycle, and two packs from the SanSan Cycle (The Valley and The Underway). There are a lot of cards that I would love to add if I had them, but I've got to work with what I've got :) A lot of people have been asking why I don't have Cerberus "Lady" H1 in here, and that's why.