Violent Millgraines v2

vvribeiro 816

Origamis are a great exercise for the mind. Keeps your brain safe against the heavy illegal drugs that flow in your blood when you're running.

The funny thing is: when you're high, stupid ideas start to sparkle in your head. And then it hits you like a f***ing NAPD cop during a protest. "What if I just trash everything??".


R&D? Data Leak Reversal .
HQ? Wanton Destruction
Remotes? Singularity

And all sponsored by your local Stim Dealer, to keep you always Amped Up

In case you need to access some cards, probably on remotes, once and a while, you have a Overmind pumped by Ekomind and the beautiful Origamis you just made to keep your mind clean. Or in case you lost the Hades Shard for good.