QQ-chip more

Tundinator@gmail.com 290

So one of my friends at our local group mentioned how he got beat pretty bad by a chaos theory overmind single breaker deck. I thought it was an interesting idea, so I started testing a few things. I personally am not a fan of Deep Red, as it tempts me to use my influence for Knight and Rook instead of the sweet sweet econ in Lucky Find. With that in mind I really enjoy the play style this deck brings with what most people in my group phrase as 'god-why' tier cards: Q-chip and Replicator. This is around my 4th iteration of the deck, and it has worked well for me so far.

This deck has 3 phases of play, which allow you to apply pressure in every phase of the game and maximize the use of the Q-chip with overmind.

1- Opening: Your ideal opening hand is Sure gamble, Replicator, Q-chip, Diesel, and either test run or overmind. The important part is the ability to get overmind out immediately when you need to, otherwise you should mulligan. The ideal hand allows you to surge ahead directly to stage 3. Until you need to throw down overmind keep running and applying pressure, while keeping your creds above 6 at all times so that a turn of pressure or setup will not wreck your tempo.

2- Buildup: While keeping your econ high, drop overmind or test run it to get into nastier servers while digging for e3 and aesops. Install the replicator ASAP but do not drop any Q-chips until you are ready to go to stage 3.

3- Steamroll: The ideal turn to enter stage 3 is dropping 3 Q-chips and an overmind in a single turn, giving the corp only 1 chance to respond to the impending truck about to hit them, and guaranteeing the overmind has 6+ counters. Having your e3 and/or aesops out at this time is also great, but not required. Get into any server you want, dig for any remaining pieces and pawn Q-chips every turn with Aesop's. The other 2 breakers are there in case you need them (damn swordsman/ tollbooth), and Levy allows you to recur the combo after pawning everything. Another avenue of success at this stage if you have a lot of econ is surprising with triple RDI install and a mega-run on R&D.

I have rarely ever ran into trouble with this deck, and econ denial via NAPD / Fetal is the only major threat to success that I've come across, since stealing those agendas has often put my tempo down to the point where I can't recover quickly. Not having plascretes has worked alright for me since replicator and proper caution keeps my hand full enough that a single scorch isn't going to do me in.

Would love feedback and suggestions, thanks for reading!