ChiLo is not a fun place

hi_impact 1733

The facts:

+Troll and Virgo are some crazy ice in Making News. Them, along with TMI, guarantee the threat of more tags into the midgame with ChiLo.

+ChiLo City Grid is a great way to stick a tag into the next turn. It is also best in a centrals-only strategy.

+Shoot the Moon and Psychographics are very viable and most realistic with a handful (2-4) tags, something ChiLo and Virgo excel at.

+Biotic Labor is more threatening than Scorched, especially when the natural reaction to this deck is to turtle up a full rig and Kati.

Lots of interchangeability in this deck. Closed Accounts might be better than StM but rezzing a Tollbooth for a 3c Double (or more!) is a pretty good proposition. Information Overload could be cut for a 3rd Jackson. Popups could be substituted for a couple Universal Connectivity Fee.

15 Dec 2014 ncaron

Thought about replacing NAPD Contract by Market Research? Seems like that deck could pretty consistantly have the runner tagged...

Also I'd be tempted to try to fit Midseason Replacements in there

15 Dec 2014 hi_impact

It's a possibility, I was very tempted to. This deck is very much out of my comfort zone and using more than one experimental card I felt I needed an old defensive staple versus the ability to sometimes score more points. Psychographicing an Astro is just as punishing as a Market Research. The Midseasons is nice in all tagging decks but I am trying to avoid it here to make the tags secondary and non-essential to the tried and true Biotic + Astro.

Also, looking at my list again I would definitely do -3 Popup, +1 Jackson, +1 Information Overload, and +1 Closed/UCF. I have ZERO need to make a remote and install costs could get high with Popup cramping the ice stack.