WB (Weyland Burst)

NeutralGood 1

As someone very new to netrunner (<6 mos) I'm proud of this being the first created deck I've ever won with. I've been able to pilot plenty of the decks featured on this site to victories, but this is the first creation of my own I've had success with. While I'm sure it's not perfect, and I'd love feedback, here's the general gameplan:

You're looking for opportune scoring windows that will allow you to maximize on agendas with powerful agenda counter abilities. I chose agendas that don't need to be over-scored, so the moment you bag each of these it comes with two counters.

High Risk Investment will force your opponent to keep their credits low (difficult to run against these barriers without cash) or else see you double click to well past whatever amount of cash they have to rez all ice in their way, or to continue advancing your tyrants (or AI hate if you spot it or sense it coming).

Armored Servers is an absolute killer for stopping runs against subroutine-heavy, barrier-laden scoring servers. And Executive Retreat can be nice for a hand reset into a Jackson if you need to dump agenda flood later in the game.

Caprise is always a gamble, but having a 2/3 chance of making a taxing run through your server equal nothing is too good to pass on. Black Level Clearance on R&D will dissuade indexing runs, as will an Excalibur planted in front of it. You have enough recursion to deal with Silverware or Parasites, between interns and J How, and there's a bit more economy than necessary (as a newer player I'm still learning how to run with "just enough" money).

So that's my deck. Would love to know what folks think - I'm taking it to about a 60% win rate lately, and that's still learning it myself / learning the game. Enjoy, and thanks in advance for any feedback!

29 Jun 2017 mrgoldendeal

I'm not sure that Oversight AI is worth it in this deck - you only have a few pieces of ice that it's worthwhile to use it on, and if you're looking to get advancement counters on Tyrant you're probably better off with Anson Rose.

Also, Black Level Clearance isn't really doing much, since 1 brain damage isn't that threatening and you have no other sources of damage to back it up. I'd look at shifting some of the influence to Trick of Light since you already have a lot of advanceable cards and gives you a fast advance threat as well.