Who Wants To Be A Bealionaire?!

rubyvr00m 882

The classic Flash Wears Yellow deck, updated for Sync and made to be MWL compliant. Money up and feed them an agenda, Midseasons/Psychographics for the win.

8 Apr 2016 esutter479

IMO, 2x Disposable HQ might be a treat for this deck. Shore up R&D a little bit, and then with Disposable HQ, send at least 1 Explodapalooza, 1 Beale and 1 Foods to the bottom and pray they're not playing Showing Off (lol). Then you're free to just play out your win-con! :)

8 Apr 2016 rubyvr00m

@esutter479 that's a really good point. It could possibly replace the Anonymous Tip or one News Team.

8 Apr 2016 esutter479

I think it's valid to replace both, rather than just either one. D-HQ seems like a really underrated, undervalued commodity to me. I am currently trying it out as a 1-of in my HB:ETF. So far, I've been able to save a horrendous opening hand with it, as well as planting it in a remote to help guard against an untimely flood. R&D is mostly well guarded, which leaves HQ open sometimes. It helps to have a backup plan in those cases.

8 Apr 2016 SkittlesSinistereo

New player here: Where would be the best locations for the ICE in this deck? I presume the main focus is on R&D with secondary focus on HQ?

8 Apr 2016 Zakalwe

I'm somewhat concerned that Film Critic might totally wreck this deck if it comes out before Midseason. Is there an alternative winning strategy?

How about Snatch and Grab or SEA Source?

I like how the runner will need 5 agendas to win if they eat both News Teams however.

8 Apr 2016 Meristem

With Artist Colony being lots of places, I'd drop News Team, mainly because it seems your primary win condition is PsychoBeale. To that end, I'd replace them with 2x Fast Track to ensure you can close the game. With power draw and low density, there's a chance you've flooded out HQ (or in the case of Disposable HQ, placed them on the bottom) and put Beale back into RnD. The other option is dropping the 2x Restructure; between Sweeps, Hedge, BLC and GLC paired with low cost ICE, you should be flush with credits. At the very least, I'd squeeze in one Fast Track.