Honey Bane

Bananifier 380

Hivemind is pretty awesome with Darwin: after a purge, Darwin gets back up to 2 counters, with possibly 2 more with surge. With a D4v1d on the side, this means that you effectively counter the worst drawback of Darwin, i.e. the fact that the corp can reliably keep you out during a turn with a purge.

By the way, Hivemind is also awesome with Parasites!

The economy is based on the fact that you are likely to run a lot on Archives, with Retrieval Run, Security Testing and Datasucker.

A few card choices

  • Mimic is there for Architect. F**k that card.
  • Atman has never been bad with datasuckers and parasites. Why change a winning team?
  • Progenitor (the actual key of the deck) is awesome with medium, hivemind, darwin.
  • Scavenge is absolutely necessary with Progenitor and D4v1d.
  • The single Grimoire is there to test its efficiency and smooth your rig building if you cannot seem to find your progenitors. You should need the memory only during the mid-to-late game - hopefully. Besides, I actually do not know what to remove to make room for more copies of it. Arguably, two of them would be welcome, what with the scavenging and progenitoring.

Untested (no kidding). Comments welcome.

"Looking in the mirror, it turned to stone

What is this?

I yell reaching for the phone

I start to dial another zone

Then check the reflection

I’m far from home

This ain’t reality

This grey bitty rock

Fighting my way through the channels of fog

This ain’t reality

If ever there was" - This Ain't Reality, Honey Bane

2 Dec 2014 (A)Joke
2 Dec 2014 Bananifier

Indeed - there is already 4 hard recursion slots (Déjà Vu and Retrieval Run), with 3 Scavenge as a utility/recursion card. I think it's enough. I'm not sure of what I would remove to include SoT.