ChiLo City Grudge Match (01-25-2014) Winner

kranse 2391

This is the deck I brought with me to the ChiLo city grudge match in Louisville ( Heavily influenced by Scott's Compleat Strategist deck ( with a few alterations.

28 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

I've been sneaking chilo into my decks more recently, that value proposition is insane. 6 to trash, 3 to rez, and if you have multitrace ice, you can stick tags on ice that doesn't tag...viper, caduceus, or double tag draco, or double tag bernice...its very nice.

The problem I have is that I start lacking tag punishment. What do you use tags for? Just CA and resource trash?

28 Jan 2014 kranse

Pretty much. I killed 2-3 professional contacts and 1-2 kati jones, as well as a 6 credit daily casts. Combined with closed accounts, the results are pretty devastating.

28 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

How did chilo perform for you? Where do you put it and what do you put it behind most often? Worth it?

29 Jan 2014 PeekaySK

Shouldn't the ChiLo be a second Bernice? They perform basically the same function (since it doesn't matter to you whether they have 1 or more tags - no Psycho in here) and Bernice does the same job much cheaper and less conditionally...

29 Jan 2014 PlutoNick

I guess, in case you draw both chilo and bernice you can use them at the same time...

29 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

Not necessarily. If you can punish with tags, and closed accounts counts, then multitagging still costs the runner 2 credits and a click each tag to get out being tagged. He also stands to benefit differently from each, at different prices. He has lots of double trace ice, which ups the value of chilo, if your goal is to keep them tagged. My complaint with chilo is the same as it is with city surveillance...its not THAT bad for the runner to just say "fuckit" and keep tags, so slotting more cards to tag seems meh.

29 Jan 2014 invictus_blue

I've been running something similar, but I've had troubles with econ (I have face a lot of parasite decks recently). How would you describe the playstyle with this deck? Also, do you find that you don't stick quite enough tags to run Psychographics? I guess a rezzed Sansan will serve the same purpose.

Congrats on the win, I'll probably tweak mine to reflect yours a bit more and see what happens.

29 Jan 2014 kranse

Its pretty easy to clear Bernice's tag if you don't run on your last click. ChiLo frequently offers the opportunity to apply two tags - the only time it can't tag twice is on TMI. Also, it allows the potentially useful bluff of trashing it and pretending to install a SanSan, but installing an agenda instead.

I absolutely wouldn't say that there's too many tagging cards... there's Breaking News, Bernice, ChiLo and Draco. Draco is just as useful for its ETR as its tag, and Breaking News would be useful if it were a blank 2/1. So slotting one each of 2 pure tag cards isn't really going overboard on tagging. And its definitely not enough to consider including Psycho.

As far as how it plays, it's a pretty standard NBN fast advance. Make R&D expensive to run, try to have an unrezzed SanSan or an unrezzed ice over HQ for account siphon. Try to tag and closed accounts or resource trash when possible - it can be worth blowing an astroscript counter if they don't have magnum opus.