Always use all the resources at your disposal

sruman 132

Core concept is pretty obvious, attempt to use Hayley's ability as much as possible in a (hopefully) viable deck. Then maybe, she can make a run at the Kate, Shaper Queen, and her consistent discount. Some have made great decks using the Saharasha, Sherazade, Aesop's engine and I've see inside man splashed for h/w centric builds. I thought I'd lean as much as I could into resources. Some thoughts on card choices:

Breaker Suite -- Stealth my first attempt and may shift to a more traditional set of programs but often you can use Hayley's ability to drop 2 of cloak, refractor, smc, dagger and save a click. The Battering Ram is just there over cerebus because didn't have deck space left over for the dogs and didn't have influence for corroder. It's an okay fracter and have used the "keep it's strength" to save credits a few times.

Supplier: Significant influence investment and slows deck down a bit, but an early supplier can net 20+ credits in a game and does let you use Hayley's ability after installing from supplier.

Aesop's: So much of the deck can be sold to Aesop's for some extra cash -- armitage, daily casts, ghost runners with 1 credit, extra motivations (I was surprised to see no unique), same old things, self-modifying codes -- that's he a natural fit which will net significant money over a game ever if comes in the mid-point ( just leave armitages and ghost-runners with 1 token on them and you'll have plenty of fuel).

Oracle May / Motivation: Yeah, I know how many times this has been tried and abandoned (by myself alone) but it can give you the draw and money you need to fuel Hayley's ability (and you need lots of both). If you feel adventurous you can even name resource without Motivation on the table but with only 1 clone chip that's playing with fire. Although if you have 2/3 breakers out then can feel pretty safe without motivation until you lose the clone chip or 1 of the box-e's but should have found motivation by then. This combo + symmetric vision get 3 credits and 2 cards for 2 clicks suits the deck well. Pro-co is only 1 card and almost gets you that, but tough to install pro-co mid-game and make it pay-off. Maytavation or symmetric will pay off quick and just sell them to aesop's if you don't want to use them.

Public Sympathy: This is with box-e and utopia shard is my attempt at flatline protection ... not great but at least's something and a 9-card hand is helpful.

Scrubber: Can be supplied for free and useful in HB asset spam and NEARPAD match-ups (and lesser extent RP) if it shows up.

Earthrise Hotel: You really want to draw a lot of cards with this deck as you'll often be playing/hosting 2 (or more) many turns. Given synergy with the supplier, EH can work really well. Although it can get "out of hand" with Maytavation and Symmetric all going, 1/2 way through the turn and you're 4-5 cards over hand-size can lead to some analysis paralysis.

Interfaces; Originally I had only Box-E and clone chip as my h/w but I quickly remembered that not having multi-access in a taxing ice world is ... horrible. So, in go in the interfaces and hopefully onto the supplier. Use play is to supply one out and then play one from hand once built up the credit pool for a big run or as a surprise "ha, ha I do have HQ pressure ...".

Levy: I've always included Levy ... how often do I use it? I'm kinda afraid to do that analysis but gives me a bit of security and it's my only PE tech card as I've started dropping deus X from decks.

It's doing fairly well in test games but definite weaknesses:

  • No ice destruction is a big weakness, imho, for any runner deck. NeXT ice is popular again and can get just brutal by mid-game. Having to have your 5-cost battering ram pay 6 credits to break a 3-cost ice is just embarrassing. I could make room for 1 parasite but memory issues then and with only 1 clone chip, doesn't seem worth it.

  • Can be slow to get going. Definitely not an early pressure deck. Seems to make a ton of money so the strategy is threatening the remote and diving in for multi-access digs.

  • the cool kids will laugh at you for not using 15 inf. (although I'm open to suggestions on what's best there).

Thanks for reading the ramblings. Any suggestions and questions are definitely welcome.