Wildcat Steve (3-2 Worlds)

dnddmdb 231

This is the deck I brought to Worlds that I'm most proud of. You stay low to the ground with limited installs, like a Wildcat. Also you play Wildcat Strike.

The week before Worlds, I was playing a lot of Steve, trying versions of both Motionblur's Cezve Steve and enkoder's Steven. I made some tweaks I thought improved the deck, and then jammed a bunch of games on jnet.

I was playing almost constantly on JNet against CtM and R+ Drago, and was getting increasingly frustrated with having Pennyshaver, Amina, and The Class Act bounced to hand with Self-Growth Program.

So with that in mind, I retooled the deck completely to fight those decks, which I thought would be strong at Worlds. Everything with an install cost > 3 was cut.

With some influence left over, I made the unusual decision to slot Wildcat Strike. I don't really regret this at all, although there are probably better uses for the influence. I desperately wanted access to more non-run based econ to avoid HHN, and Wildcat acting as either Gamble or draw pretty much always is good.

This deck that I pretty hastily rewired a few days before worlds wound up doing better than expected, winning 3 of 5 played games on Saturday. The meta did not feature as much Drago as I expected, but the deck does really well against Sports, and pretty much anything that isn't glacier.

This deck lets you apply pressure quickly and can accumulate huge amounts of money if the Corp doesn't properly ice HQ and can deal with threats in multiple ways.

Include notes:

  • Bankroll seem good! You can pretty reliably get 7-8 of profit off them, but they might just be better off as Cezve.

  • 3x Miss Bones is actually awesome in this meta and you will always find installables to trash.

  • Aumakua is still a good card.

Changes I'm making:

  • +1 Mutual Favor: Too often I couldn't find the breaker I wanted until late in the game.

  • -2 Jailbreak, +1 Legwork: The Jailbreaks are really fun but we just need slots. Alternatively cutting Bankroll or 1x Miss Bones could work here, and don't include the Legwork.

Other Possible includes:

  • Sneakdoor Beta: This card is brutal in certain board states and could be worth it in the late game.

  • Inside Job: To get through Data Ward (shoutout to hams).

  • Liberated Account: A 1x might be enough money to get you off the ground and out of the danger zone, rather than including Wildcat.

All in all, Worlds an awesome time and I'm so happy to have met so many wonderful people. Thank you to all my lovely opponents!