
gabsnow18 464

+1 scavenge -1 modded

Fast set up,passive economy,huge card draw and very cheap breaker.D4v1d helps a lot overmind and the disposal breakers suite,with e3 feedback implants you will have a total domination of blue sun ice.Now im testing this version but i wish to include crescentus in future.All comments are welcome!

30 Jun 2015 sirvalerius

More than 2x modded i think that 2x scavenge'd help a little more with the overminds and the solitarie D4v1d

1 Jul 2015 Laxen

Nice deck :)

I don't really see the value in modded in this deck either, maybe go for an additional D4V1D instead? Deals with a ton of things that this deck has a hard time with.

Also, Desperado doesn't really fit the passive economy game style and the breaker suite? Maybe Box-E (larger hand size when you draw a lot, more mem for Overmind) or the new Forger would be a better fit?

1 Jul 2015 gabsnow18

@sirvalerius scavenge is too redundant for this deck,with e3 feedback in play David and overmind will last for many turns and often i dont need to reinstall it

1 Jul 2015 gabsnow18

@Laxen thank You! Modded is a very good card here cause helps me a Lot to set up faster,this deck is pretty poor in the first part of the match cause i have to install disposal and passive economy,so modded on console/Dyson/e3/overmind/David usually helps me when im low on money and a hand full after drawing. D4v1d Its fine in 1x,with e3 last more than usual and You can recursion it a Lot. Box-E was the original console of this deck,but desperado is more useful against nbn deck and helps me in trashing assets

1 Jul 2015 gabsnow18

@sirvalerius effectively, +1 scavenge -1 modded could be a nice add,i ll try this

2 Jul 2015 Laxen

@gabsnow18 Ok :)