Mother Medtech

gmabey 73

Try to force out an early agenda if you can use a Chimera plus one other ice. Mid-game Scoring remote consists of a single Mother Goddess and a Paper Wall as an outside layer if fearing Inside Job. All other ice used for central protection in the early game.

Paper Wall and Himitsu-Bako are capable of removing themselves from the board to clear the barrier subtype from Mother Goddess.

Chimera can also serve as early protection from Account Siphons.

Security Subcontract for trashing ice subtypes after getting your scoring server setup.

Crisium Grid for slowing down central events like Quest Completed, Apocalypse, and multi-access run events.

If you expect a Femme Fatale, keep an extra Mother Goddess in hand for a new scoring server.

1 Dec 2015 tiedyedvortex

Bad news--Mother Goddess is unique. You can't rez more than one of her at a time. So if you have her on your scoring remote, you have to either protect your centrals with Chimera (which gets expensive fast) or with your other ICE (which make Mother weaker).

Also, Faust just wrecks MG. Swordsman will help, but if they're also running Mimic (which almost all Faust decks do) then you're just hosed.

1 Dec 2015 HolyMackerel

While I like the idea of an unbreakable scoring remote, the fact is that Faust and other AI is so ubiquitous these days, it's probably not going to work. All the neutral runners have in-faction ways of getting in, Anarchs have Faust, Criminals have Inside Job. Plus, you're leaving your centrals exposed to R&D locks, Siphons, and all manner of unpleasantness.

I love the concept,but not how it translates. Let's say you have your unbreakable remote,amd score an agenda in it. What now? It's not unreasonable to assume the runner has an Interface, Medium, or other means of seeing cards in your deck. They will find your second Agenda before you do, so it becomes close to impossible to score the second agenda.