Who's Kate? F@#k Kate.

Oisin 228

Like many people, I am interested in Order and Chaos. A veteran Noise player, I've been drawn to the Anarch identity since I started playing Netrunner. Once I saw the Order and Chaos pool, I was drawn to Eater and the various tricks it enables. But I was especially interested in Keyhole, and quickly designed a Eater/Dinnerware/Keyhole deck. I designed the deck out of Quetzal, because if I am trying to destroy ice, why not play an identity that makes a lot of ice nearly useless?

But the more I have looked at other lists, the less interested I am in playing that deck. And I am intrigued by MaxX's ability--free card draw seems worth whatever aggravation it causes. Old school Kate sucker decks did a great job using the heap as a resource. Could anarchs do the same? Sure. So here's an old school inspired Kati-sucker deck built for Anarch.

So this is an early attempt to put together a deck that can get an old school rig out quickly--one that doesn't care about the cards that are likely to screw up Eater decks (Crisium, Will-o, Swordsman). A lot of 3 of's to help get things going quickly. Get out a Datasucker early, Laundry for a token or two before face-checking with Mimic. MaxX's ability provides steady draw; early game it gets rig pieces and late game it gets Wanton Destruction and the Hades Shard. The Deja Vu and Clone Chips get the rig out of the heap. One could probably get a Retrieval Run in there, too. And, of course, there's no reason you couldn't put Eaters in this deck to help with the Keyhole/Wanton destruction runs (I am simply skeptical of decks that are relying on Eater and throwing in a single Corroder/Mimic).

My fear here is the same as with an Anarch deck: will it make enough money? I've got the Kati for longer match-ups. I'm unsure if 3 Steelskin will be enough to deal with the upcoming resurgence of Scorched decks. And will MaxX be suicidal against PE? Will an "old skool Netrunner" deck be too slow to deal with fast advanced? I'm looking forward to the expansion so I can find out.

14 Dec 2014 Oisin

Looking at it again, I realize I forgot to change the Hardware back to Grimoire. The deck needs the extra MU to run a rig with Keyhole and Datasucker.