Run To Ruins

whiterabbit 38

I will preface this by saying that I kinda hate myself for this deck. I like trying new things out, so not using anything terribly innovative just bugs the hell out of me.

On the other hand, playing this sort of deck is new to me. It has plenty of synergies to work with, all involving running, which is what I'm trying to work on. I can build elaborate rigs, but running seems to be my weakness. That's why I made this, to force myself to run.

Anyway, as always, feedback is welcome.

2 Dec 2014 x3r0h0ur

This is the kind of deck I would recommend to a beginner trying to get to the intermediate level. This is very straight forward, and rewards running aggressively. There isn't much I would personally change, except maybe -1 TME -2 zu +2 gordian. The higher setup cost is probably justified in the +1 str and ability to maintain str, but that might just be preference. I do think it is tough to give up multiaccess events. You could feasibly drop a SoT and up to 3 desperados if you get your 3rd core set, if you're keeping all 3 TME.

2 Dec 2014 whiterabbit

Core sets aren't an issue. I have this mental block surrounding aggressive running, and I'm using the deck as sort of a back to basics retraining setup. One of those roadblocks, in all honesty, is using Desperado. I kinda see it as a crutch. I do understand the value of its ability, but don't want to rely on it. However, because it rewards aggressive running, it belongs in the deck.

It really did come down to preference regarding Gordian Blade and ZU.13 Key Master.