Edward Kim - HQ Econ Pressure

Jman3256 8

This is my first published deck and I will gladly take any feedback that people have.

The main idea for this deck was derived from @GotHat's Reina "The Red Queen Hypothesis" deck that was posted in early January. (not sure how to link the "Derived from" section under the decklist)

The idea is that you apply constant HQ pressure with Lamprey to drain their economy while accessing cards. I liked the deck but when I saw the spoiler for Edward Kim I knew that I wanted to try a similar shell with him as an ID.

Being able to snipe econ operations and combo pieces (Biotic, Scorch etc) out of RnD and HQ has had a major impact. This deck is not as much an economy denial deck as the previous Reina Roja deck was but it is more disruptive I think. I have played only a few games with the deck in this iteration so I know that there is lots of opportunity for improvement.

The influence is all spent on Desperado and Sneakdoor because I want to be constantly running and applying pressure on the corp. I am not sold on the Atman but I like the flexibility it brings at 4 strength against the field.

The virus package is interesting also. Djinn pulls it all together. The extra 3 MU for non-icebreaker programs is very important in this build. Being able to host Sneakdoor Beta on it is not a new idea but it is important to my final rig. Then being able to find the virus package that I need to best apply pressure is extremely valuable.

So far Lamprey has been the MVP in this deck and it forces the corp to purge often.

Anyway, this is what I have so far. Please post and comment as I would love to hear what people have to say about this build.

Thanks for reading!

21 Feb 2015 Fl3xbyts

Having played Noise, credits are really important to be able to play all the programs AND run often.

I'm not sure you have enough economy to fuel all the activity you want to be doing, especially over a number of turns.

Maybe consider Liberated Account, Armitage Codebusting....

22 Feb 2015 Exo

I run a similar idea with Kim, thought different in many aspect. For the four games that I played the deck, when I was able to hammer HQ with Lamprey and transition on some medium run, I finished those games pretty quickly. What make the deck strong I think is of course all the Anarch tools for sure but the econ engine too. I found out that Day Job gives the opportunity to transition to Liberated Account and from there I can empty it quickly and start hammering R&D pretty hard again. You basically can go from 2 credits to 20 in 2 turns. Kati Jones helps to keep your econ consistent between those crazy turns. I am trying to use Demolition Run with it too. I use only one copy because I don't have enough deck space. One thing that I found out is that Demo run is not affected by Crisium Grid which is pretty huge to take it away with the rest. With Déjà Vu you can do it two times in one turns if you play it from hand which is probably a win if your medium is already loaded a bit.