The Locksmith

MadeOfMush 7

An experiment trying to utilize Keyhole in a Kit deck. Using Keyhole, Kit can trash economy cards and ICE making fighting off Yog.0 on Dinosaurus incredibly difficult. Keyhole together with Datasucker also work to force Corps to ICE Archives, spreading their resources further. Doing all of this while trying to score Agendas may really stretch the Corp thin. With these strategies combined, R&D may be weaken to the point to allow multiple Keyhole runs, which makes for peeking on 3 new cards every run.

Issues with the deck are the 1x copies of Icebreakers, Memory, and performance greatly affected by how the early game goes. If you can manage to get Keyhole going early enough, the Corp will always be playing catch up however getting it late can make it almost a non-issue. Intelligent running and a bit of luck can get you a long way with a Yog.0, so Crypsis shouldn't need to be used too much, and Sharpshooter/Deus X can help in a pinch against the scary ICE you can't seem to trick your way past.

3 Feb 2014 M3th

I like the idea, but parasite may slow your move (and crypsis as well), maybe you should drop them and replace by ice breakers like corroder or faery, and Zu for you lack of memory. Crypsis will cost you big time with big sentry... You should think to have a LARLA if you stay to a single card of breakers.