See you later, DreamNet (1st @ Swiss Nationals)

OF15-15 324

While I had decided on my corp a few weeks before, I wasn't sure about my runner until Saturday morning. I had played Arissana at EMEA and Lat two weeks ago at the CO in Esslingen, but corps were just so much stronger. When I had to pack my decks on Friday, I still wasn't sure but decided to play either Ari again or Hoshiko + DreamNet one last time. Maninthemoon's list from interconts looked like a hell of fun and also I had some practice with Conduit, so I printed out some proxies before getting on the train, ready to switch to another list. In the end, I got persuaded that Patchwork is actually a good card, won a lucky round against Virulentz's Ob and went to bed. In the morning, I still hadn't sent in my decklists, so I finally decided give this list a try.

The tournament itself was great. I hadn't played much paper before and it's just a lot more fun than online. I had some great opponents and SSS allowed me to meet a lot of new people. In Swiss, this deck lost to Asa, won against a PD, lost to Asa again, and tied against a third Asa. My corp went undefeated and pushed me into the top 3 cut with only a little more SOS than 4th place. I was happy to get the beautiful Hush playmat, but I knew my chances were slim: I'm not a top level player, I had a lot of luck on the day, and because I was in third place, I figured I'd have to run every game. But somehow, I pushed my luck and got some good draws while my opponents got some really bad draws. I couldn't get the Aeneas Informant + Conduit combo all day, but I managed it in both cut games. Wheels did a lot of work in both games, checking remotes, charging Aumakua, and giving me another run on the Conduit turns.

Thanks a lot to all of my opponents and everyone else playing for the tournament. Special thanks to Luke for organizing and to maninthemoon for this list. It was awesome
