[Startup] It's Basically Sensie (1st @ EMEA)

Cobalt 396

Disclaimer: Federal Fundraising may bear only passing resemblance to Sensie Actors Union. Terms and conditions apply.

It's PD! Again! There's not a lot to say about the core PD strategy that hasn't been said a hundred times before, so I'll keep it brief - jam agendas in your Skunk-Void remote and recycle Seamless Launch to push them through quickly. With luck, you can score two 2-point agendas followed by a Send a Message to close the game. I'm very happy with the results, as the deck won all three rounds I played with it.

Joking about Sensie aside, Federal Fundraising was surprisingly excellent in this deck. Having such control over what turns up when really smooths things out, and you can stop R&D accidentally bleeding Messages too early by tucking it (at least until you get hit with Trick Shot). I'd recommend trying it out if you haven't.

I also took some inspiration from Jai's Dividing by Two - The Powers That Be and Ablative Barrier make trashing your Nico Campaigns and your Fundraisings almost feel like a waste of time, which you're of course quite happy about as 3 credits a turn feels sublime (LISAN AL JAIB!). Just be careful when Nico completes and draws you a card - if you're relying on Fundraising to hide an agenda in R&D this can spoil your carefully laid plan.

Against Seb, Greasing the Palm's extra text is very relevant if they try to Amanuensis - not only does it let you fast advance a Luminal or Vitruvius, it yoinks their tag so they can't draw cards either! I pulled off a very cheeky Luminal score in the first game this way. It's no slouch otherwise, as it helps keep the credits flowing.

If you try the deck, I'd experiment with other assets than Wage Workers, as I didn't really do anything with it. Its highest impact was the Runner trashing it unrezzed, as 4 credits is pretty significant, but it's possible I'm not utilising the card to its full potential. The other slots seem pretty solid, and nothing particularly strikes me as needing changing.

I won't repeat the full thanks from my Runner deck here, but I will repeat that I had a wonderful time at EMEA and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! 😁

1 Sep 2024 LVH-Tony

So how the hell can you beat this deck? @@

9 Oct 2024 Shelbie

I've been playtesting a lot of different corp lists in startup, and while overall ive been content with a lot of them, i think this one has been scratching the itch for me in terms of what I enjoy out of play patterns. Great list, so much fun, thank you !!