The Yellow King (3-1 at Bathgate CO)

dis_ 236

Since RoRo asked me how the deck worked in the car ride home, I made a diagram:

The King Engine is Roaring

Essentially this concept (FA Azmari) has been kicking around since RwR released, like CephalopodWizard's ACC deck leveraging Kingmaking being a 4/3 agenda that draws 3 and Sudden Commandment. It's an incredibly fun archetype that is probably not tier 1. This is my take with a couple of key premises.

  1. This is an A+B deck, and you need more B's than just Sudden Commandment. Enter Vlad Grid.
  2. Play big ice and make the runner want to run the remote (to trash your Vlad grids). Just shoving agendas behind Bran and Piranhas works surprisingly well - early steals just gets you to threat 3 anyway.
  3. Getting the first Superconducting Hub online is so key you should score it on its own if possible, which means you want some more 1-pointers (Dividend also lets you score from hand). This lead me into 49 card Az to make the ratios better.
  4. Some more 3/2s lets you actually win by scoring (mad right?).

What do you do vs Hermes?


But seriously, just get your ice rezzed and you can maybe win. Trust in the big hands!

Replace Jua with meta-appropriate small nbn ice of choice (Ping!, VSA, etc), I packed Jua expecting a lot of Kit (which made up 25% of the attendees)

Note actual deck played at Bathgate had one NAPD Cordon in it instead of the 2nd Subliminal Messaging as I was in a rush getting neutral cards out of my deck box. Won me a game though.

9 Jun 2024 RoRo

Incredible! Thanks for the write up!