Sharking the Twins

greyfield 3917

(Because a deck name combining "Chum" and "The Twins" made the joke too obvious.)

This deck merges two well-known combos together to form one monstrosity. First, The Twins synergizes wonderfully with The Foundry, forcing your opponent to return to pieces of ice, allowing you to stack up ridiculous amounts of damage or program-trashing. Second, Panic Button and Reuse allow you to get a tremendous amount of card selection while turning a quick profit.

It's easy to see how these combos work in tandem, too - The Foundry gives you more cards that you can Reuse, and The Twins works even better if you can find the third copy of a particular piece of ice to send your opponent through the ringer one more time. And Reuse makes it far easier to finance the famous kill of Janus + The Twins.

But my innovation is Chum - poor, misunderstood Chum! Chum's weakness has always been that it will always scare the other player away from whatever piece of ice is behind the Chum, up until that player can just bust through that piece regardless of the boosted power. In that sense, Chum is never more than a misdirection, lacking the punch of Komainu (especially in tandem with Inazuma). But what's so great about The Twins is it forces the runner to move to that next piece of ice - which can be the Chum itself!

The classic kill combo in this type of deck is Janus through The Twins, dishing out eight points of brain damage. But you can easily do six points of net damage - usually enough to score a kill against an unsuspecting player - with three Chums (or two Chums and a Project Vitruvius counter). When The Twins returns the runner to the Chum, the Chum also becomes its own next-piece-of-ice, and dishes out damage when the runner fails to pass it. So long as the runner can't break these code gates, you can get the kill, at a far cheaper rate.

And Panic Button makes it much easier to find two copies of Chum - after which you get the third for free from The Foundry. Not to mention the best part - this way, you don't even need to put the Chum on the outside of the server to get value from it! You can stick the Chum on the inside of a server and just bide your time until the kill gets assembled. After all, what kind of idiot puts a Chum on the innermost space of a server? They'll never see it coming.

Right now, biggest places for improvement I can see are in the ice. For example, while Lotus Field is a wonderful piece of ice, it may actually be a detriment in this deck, because it gives the runner more incentive to go find a Code Gate breaker (thus negating your Chum) and also makes the deck more vulnerable to the classic Atman for 4.

30 Jan 2015 soultsunami

If you ran Merlin over Chum, and they hit that with The Twins out: Rez Merlin, search -> Merlin, show for 4 net, trash to make them re-encounter, 6 net damage total.

30 Jan 2015 greyfield

Technically, the Merlin pairing does 8. I'm aware it exists. I chose Chum mostly because it costs 3 rather than 8 credits; Janus is the choice for expensive kill combo. It's quite possible Merlin is better than Janus; I just don't know. I need to test it.

But my impression is Merlin feels rather lackluster without its third copy or a Twins, whereas I feel like Chum is always at least a little useful for clogging up the runner. It rezzes cheaply, netting you instant card advantage and a card to pitch to Reuse; it forces the runner to find a Code Gate breaker or run daringly, opening up a window for scoring a Vitruvius; and the combo is totally out of left field, where Merlin is all projection.

The upside Janus has over Merlin, then, is simply being such a huge beating to run into just on its own. This deck's dream play is turn 1 Panic Button on HQ, trading all its credits for cards, Reusing them all, and then having up a Janus to crush the opponent's hand - maybe even with a Twins backup, off your big card advantage. Merlin just doesn't satisfy the same thrills, I think. But I'll also try running it with the Merlins instead of the Lotus Fields.