
esutter479 322

Big girls don't cry, they manipulate!

I've made some changes to this concept since the last time I posted it. Notably, out are SoTs, Hostages (I know, crazy, huh?) and Security Testing...and in are Fall Guys, Clone Chip and more of the "Big 3" (Compromised Employee, Kati Jones and Mr. Li).

My basic premise behind this is to slowly manipulate (with Logos) your way into servers to score agendas, making use of Sil's expose ability. Sneakdoor Beta is still great to have, but plays less of a part now, in lieu of more breakers and some more econ has made its way in to the mix as well.

I know this more than breaks convention regarding what most people think Criminals "should" be doing with themselves, but when Upstalk comes out, I really wanna see how this concept holds up (as well as introduce it alongside my improved NEXT Design corp deck, heh). Feedback appreciated! :)

19 Jul 2014 paulxthompson

Hmm... yes...! i'm looking forward to getting the second season cards. Logos and Overmind look very interesting, but they're a long way in my future.

What does the word 'another' mean on Fall Guy? Do you have to have already lost one that turn?

19 Jul 2014 wswan

@paulxthompson It means 'a different' resource. You can't trash the same copy of Fall Guy to stop itself from being trashed. Because that doesn't even make sense.