Immune to False Lead

YeyaSwizaw 25

Are you plagued by the overpowered horror that is False Lead robbing you of your turn and giving the corp a free win? Well, this is the deck for you!

By playing Hard at Work at Starlight Crusade Funding you can ensure that every turn you only have a single click, meaning you can never be hit by a false lead that requires you have the two to lose!

Starlight Crusade Funding means you can play doubles like Planned Assault, and make the most out of your turns, and Savoir-Faire + Autoscripter means you can install a breaker during these runs and make another one - still being immune to False Lead!

15 Nov 2014 Softman25

Um...but you have 2 clicks with this method.

Hard at Work docks one, Starlight docks one, leaving you with two. You need Wyldside as well!

15 Nov 2014 Two_EG

OMG genius deck

15 Nov 2014 Two_EG

@Softman25 Maybe double Hard at Work?

15 Nov 2014 Softman25

Actually yeah, that's true, or double Starlight.

15 Nov 2014 YeyaSwizaw

You could go for double Starlight, but double Hard at Work is preferred. 4 credits a turn is not an economy to be trifled with. I considered adding Wyldside, but decided the money was more important, and added Lawyer Up, and Express Delivery for draw. I considered Diesel for that too, but wanted Escher to make future runs as efficient as possible.

16 Nov 2014 echo/

Thank you for this!!! I have been running (LOL) into a lot of false lead reliant decks in my local meta and could never figure out a solution to my woes. You really thought of a unique solution here. After reading this list I took a very similar deck (with my own Personal Touches) to a tournament and it absolutely smashed through the competition. Normally I would wade through the rounds, losing my clicks in a bog of forfeited agenda points, but this time things were very different.

In one game against a GRNDL player who is known for relying on false lead to win I easily took victory, even stealing some of his false leads to attain my triumph ( I tried focusing on this strategy before but ran into problems where I stole one false lead only for the corp to score a different one soon after). I feel like with the advent of this deck the false lead meta is for all intensive purposes destroyed.

A word of warning to any who wish to try this deck: It is very skill intensive. You often only have one click to work with each turn, so knowing what to do with it is very difficult. In addition to this, it is very easy to accidentally lose the game. Multiple times during testing I would enthusiastically play a Hard at Work or Starlight Crusade Funding I had drawn, only to realise moments later that it was the 4th such card I had played, locking me out of the game entirely.

I'm sure you encountered this issue as well, so to remedy this, have you considered Aesop's Pawnshop???? It allows you to trash any other installed card for 3 bitcoins at the start of your turn, so if you end up in a clickless situation you can get yourself out of it without too much issue. Once again thank you for this deck, it has really got me back into netrunner and I hope people recognise your genius when this deck rises to popularity.

17 Nov 2014 YeyaSwizaw

@raveladvice Thanks for the feedback! I'm so happy that the idea works as well for you as it did for me.

Installing a fourth is definitely a problem with the deck, but at 3 influence I really don't think I could manage to fit an Aesop's Pawnshop in. I could go down on Hard at Work but I really want 3 as the deck relies on getting them out and unless I have missed something they are un-tutorable. Lucky Find I would consider going down on 1 but not 2 and that is still not enough influence, and Escher is just so important to ensuring the efficiency of future runs.

As much as I dislike having it in, I had to leave Pawnshop out of the deck and just ensure I played carefully and never installed a 4th. On the positive side, this does mean there is a spare Hard at Work in case you find yourself tagged and one you have installed trashed.

23 Feb 2015 Skeletons

Wow, amazing idea! Have you thought about Doppelgänger in this deck? For once it might be more useful than Desperado...