Private Perfection 1.0

CodeMarvelous 20021

4 Apr 2014 db0

I'm just wondering, how come so many people copy Untrashable but don't have it as "Derived from"?

4 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

db0 gots to get dem royalties son. db gots to get paid.

I think it's not intuitive enough, because a lot of people post with their builds "how do i get it to show up as derived from" I'm not entirely sure what does it myself, but I've had luck doing copy, edit it my way, then republish...

4 Apr 2014 kollapse

Nothing I have borrowed from others have showed up as "derived from", which is a shame.

4 Apr 2014 AsteriskCGY

I think you have to have Copied the deck and then publish that version you edited, while people here more likely are just building out of scratch.

4 Apr 2014 Heartthrob

Even when I've copied decks it sometimes won't have the "derived from" included. Maybe it's fixed now, but it was confusing when I first got on NetDB. This site is still great, everyone donate a bit to keep it going :)