Iain's Eleven v1.1

skypidallius 13

Motivation for this deck is twofold. First, I thought the name was amusing, and I really wanted to try and make something of the resource-based criminals. The second motivation was wanting to try and make bad publicity work for the runner, since most corps don't have ways to get rid of it.

The game plan is generally to set up the Decoy-Activist Support-Aesop's combo to get some bad pub going the corps way, and simply blackmailing the remotes (thanks to user Maugman for this notion), whilst running relatively efficiently against centrals once I get the central breakers out.

One copy of Raymond Flint, Data Dealer, and Tallie Perrault to be hostaged out as the matchup requires.

I am still unsure whether to run extra copies of the central breakers, or keep three special orders. The former gives some added protection against program trashing due to damage or ice, but the latter offers clearly superior setup ability. While I can search for cards with Logos, I'm not sure if that's enough (and further, don't much like that I can't guarantee having Logos out early).

I also worry that as a whole the deck can't provide enough pressure to really slow down a proper fast advance, since the source and chakana both cost influence that Iain doesn't have, and I don't see this deck as offering very strong early aggression to stop things like the Astro-train from getting going.

I also feel like I'd like to find room for some Crash Space and (Maybe) Leverage. Crash Space would work like a less impressive Plascrete, while still also offering other things once it's out, and Leverage can give information on corp intention, as well as being a possible other method of issuing bad pub (especially against net-damage oriented Jinteki decks).

Suggestions, comments, and criticism welcome.

4 Jan 2015 HollowsHeart

I see what you did there...