locusshifter 1674

Go Big Or Go Home

I've toyed around with the Foundry every now and again since its release and had little success. I think I've finally struck the correct balance, and it's now 6/6.

  • Enhanced Login Protocol. Good grief this card is good. Biotic ice went from passable with clicks to required to break plus clicks in most cases.

  • Heinlein Grid is the other piece of the ELP combo. With ELP out no one wants to click against Biotics at all. Mega economy drain commences immediately thereafter as they pay through the nose, and a double click, for that first run.

  • 54 cards??? Yep, and it's what inspired the name of the deck. One of the things I had always read, and agreed with, is that the Foundry destroys your R&D. It does. I still measure how often I use its ability, especially with the double dip you get with Accelerated Beta Test. I average 5 uses of the Foundry's ability per game, which means I'm essentially playing a 49 card deck in short order. Early on, since I'm only running 10 agendas, my R&D is a touch less saturated, which is a double benefit.

  • ABT + Foundry is AMAZING. Thanks Lukas.

  • You'd think Peak Efficiency would be best, but over the course of the game the Subliminals pay out early and more often.

  • Biotic Labor, simply because I can, and it's winning games.

  • A nice aside is that you can keep the runner poor enough that often you drop a NAPD in play and the runs are too expensive for them to steal it at that point. With the Biotics I've had people simply believe it's a Jackson, then I Biotic it FTW.

  • Architect is AMAZING. I think it's just great overall, but here, since I'm soaking clicks, I can surprise rez if they are running last click(s) and use it to install an agenda. That's sexy ice.

  • Hitting the right balance of economy and ice costs has been tough. I decided volume was better than size, and it's made the deck faster, more efficient, and more prolific with its ice.

This deck is a grind though, so sometimes it plays a bit longer than many might prefer, but you never feel out of control. I'm still playing around with ice composition, and econ, so any suggestions are welcome.

23 Oct 2014 rickalp

This might sound like a dumb question, but does ELP work in combo with Heinlein Grid? I only ask because I was building a similar deck but then stopped to consider the following:

  • Heinlein Grid states "If the Runner loses or spends a click during a run on this server..."

  • The extra click used when ELP is in play is used to INITIATE the run, not spent DURING the run, right?

In a way, saying the extra click needed to run with ELP in play counts against HG is no different than saying that any run triggers HG because running almost always costs at least one click.

I'm relatively new to NR (only bought the core set a little over a month ago), but this seems like something that could be cleared up in the next FAQ.


23 Oct 2014 rickalp

...or are you just using ELP and HG together to force the runner to never use clicks on Bioroid ICE, giving them two, but separate, disincentives?

27 Oct 2014 locusshifter

I'm using HG in concert with the Bioroid ice to discourage clicking through on a run. Adding ELP on top of that generally means 3 click turns (if they run) and if HG isn't out makes some bioroids impassable by clicks without taking some punishment.

In general ELP with HG and lots of ice makes a mega glacier deck.