Criminal: HQ is never safe

squaxor 7

UPDATE: This is the FIFTH edit of this deck. Thanks to @Cliquil @M1ke @yokelbloke and @lyn for the suggestions.

Access lots of cards in HQ

Whenever you access HQ with a run, or via archives (Sneakdoor Beta), you can use HQ Interface to access a total of two cards. If the run is initiated using the event Legwork then you could access another two cards for a total of four cards! Nothing in their hand will be safe.

Punish scoring

Whenever the Corp scores an agenda you could use Gang Sign to access a card in their HQ and again use HQ Interface to access two cards. The corp suffers another penalty for scoring as they are forced to return an unrezzed card to their hand because of Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist. Finally Logos gives you a free card from your stack when the corp scores.