Central Exposure

Tesserrakt 1

First time publishing a deck. I hope to have some advise! They are all welcomed!

3 Sep 2014 Brislock

I'll Jump in! Love event based decks, so many surprises. Have you considered Prepaid VoicePAD? Only 2 of your events are free, so that'll help a lot. I've also never been sure that Lucky Find was worth the influence cost. It might be a good idea to try this deck, find out which events are doing the best work and up those two 3, letting some of the less useful drop to 1.

Are you sure you have enough cash for Blackguard? Doppelgänger makes Quest Completed much better if that's your goal. I did a similar deck with Gabe, I squeezed in some Notoriety too and that won me at least one game. Now if you want to go heavy on the forcing the corp to rez plan, then something like Infiltration or Satellite Uplink can help out.

Hope these thoughts are constructive, Happy Running!

3 Sep 2014 Tesserrakt

@BrislockI was afraid that econ might be an issue! As for Doppelgänger I was trying to find something else since all criminal these days have them! Infiltration and Satellite Uplink I thought about it... Isn't it to predictable ???

@BrislockI really appreciate your insight!

3 Sep 2014 Tesserrakt

@Brislock Prepaid VoicePAD What would you recommend I repalce this with?

3 Sep 2014 onesadjam

Snitch + Blackguard is a great way to control the corp's economy, especially with Silhouette. That's a start, but I think after a few plays with this deck you will discover that you need a bit more than that. First, with just 6 economy cards, most of your credits are going to come from straight clicks. Your breakers are cheap against centrals, but they are still going to cost you at least 1 credit per ice you encounter, and often three or more. That will leave some pretty big scoring windows for your opponent.

You really don't have any kind of special pressure you can apply to R&D or HQ. Why not throw in a Legwork? It's in faction and will let you see three cards out of HQ at once.

You don't have any recursion, and that is going to hurt you. Let's say you pull off Quest Completed twice, each time scoring a 1 point agenda. If the corp has a remote with two ice in front of it, you're done. Sure, you might be able to build up enough datasucker tokens to parasite them down, but you are only going to see two parasites in a game at best. Think about adding Same Old Thing so you can take advantage of the events that help you the most again. This would put your early bird to better use.

Most important, have fun! Go play this deck and learn as much as you can, then come back and tweak it.

3 Sep 2014 Tesserrakt

@onesadjamThank you for your advice! Like I said to @Brislock I was afraid about econ. I thought about Magnum Opus

Legwork : havent thought about that kind of pressure... It will go back! just need to find the replacement!

I will try this deck... and I will have fun!

4 Sep 2014 Brislock

If you are keeping blackguard, I'd lose the Running Interference but if you are switching to Doppelgänger then I'd trade Early Bird.

@onesadjam is right about Same Old Thing being great but it doesn't work on Early Bird since it's a priority event. For that matter Planned Assault doesn't work with it either.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Lucky Find since it eats a fair amount of influence when I think there's better econ options. Now, I have seen a lot of strong decks with it, so others might have figured out things I haven't.