Quetzal Attempt

Linke87 1

This is my first attempt at Quetzal. I do not own all of the cards so Overmind is only a 2-of because it came in the draft pack. I don't own anything after H&P except TSB and First Contact. I'll take any advice you guys can give.

This is a basic e3 deck. Trying out Keyhole for the first time. Scavenge to reload Overmind and D4v1d. I'm also trying out Singularity. Caprice and Ashe are super annoying in my meta so f**k them. Trash it all. I should probably find room for Hades Shard if this is the case, but what to drop for it?


9 Dec 2014 pedipalp

Singularity is totally a solution to Caprice Nisei! Man why I haven't thought of that earlier! Now I can trash Caprice and shit it's protecting totally free when I win the PSI (which is totally balanced, because runner can pay 0 and corporation has to pay something)!