Ken has 17 influence v2.0

thecodetroll 60

I've been having varied success with this deck on, yet to play it in person, not sure how it stacks against the super tight current meta decks. 17 influence is pretty nice. I've got pretty standard crim cards I'd say, legwork, inside job, siphon. I've got crash space as a siphon tag remover, and to function as plascrete lite. yes it can be pinged for a click + 2 credits if the corp tags you, thats a minor downside. Breakers I'm using are corroder and ZU.13 which seem pretty standard in crim now, Faerie because its brilliant, and finally Garrote and Fem. Those 2 are prime candidates for my extra flavour card, retrieval run. Getting either of those 2 out for the cost of 1 credit,(3 cost) +1 back for using the run event, and +1 again if you have desperado. is amazing.

The rest of the deck just supliments the breakers + kens ability. gang sign is just good, same old thing to bring back any of your most needed events: Makers eye, legwork, siphon, retrieval run, inside job, STIMHACK.

I'm no good at descriptions, but would welcome any feedback :)

17 Sep 2015 Phoenix

My main comment would be that if you get locked out of HQ, or it is suitably taxing, you are a little light on the econ side of things if you can't land easy siphons. A couple of Security Testing would go a long way here. Also, only 2 Special Order seems risky as you don't have THAT much draw. Maybe things to consider? Otherwise, looks good and fun! I like the breaker suite. Plus I always thought Retrieval Run should have been a blue card anyways (its thematic, would sure up a major criminal weakness blah blah blah).

17 Sep 2015 thecodetroll

my draw is mostly the 1 drug dealer, and 1 click a turn with the baby. yeah its lite :[ seems to do me okay so far. The thing I've noticed is if im 'locked out of HQ so I cant siphon, I'll run whatever is open / runable and dirty laundry it, and spend a click on Kati.and just draw till i can get the thing I need. most games seem to be 1 click a turn on Kati, run whatever is open, until i have about 15-21 on kati, take it of and blitz that remote they were building 3/4 deep. its a little inconsistent with its speed but when you aint drawing breakers you are drawing gang signs and drive bys so there is that :D