The Peter Principle of Punishment

thethinktanker 14

Punish the runner for their successes. Promote them to the level of their incompetence. Play a deadly shell game moving advancement tokens from your traps (Project Junebug and Ronin) to your agendas with Trick of Light and Shipment from Kaguya. Fill your deck, hand, and servers with Snare!s and Fetal AIs that hurt the runner for running and scoring (along with your identity that hurts them for scoring).

I'd like some help with the ICE and economy, though, and any other suggestions you've got.

4 Jun 2016 mrgoldendeal

For starters, cut the Adonis Campaign - you don't have any method to rez them cheaper or keep them super safe, so 9/10 times you'll end up paying 1 and then having them get trashed. The Private Contracts likewise are hard to get value out of unless you can click them over the course of a few turns, which I don't think you'll be able to do often.

As for Ice, I'd probably cut the ice count down a lot - you want them to run and get in, that's how they access your Snares and Fetal AIs. You want ICE that is cheap and punishes face-checking, like Yagura and Cortex Lock, and you probably won't have the money to play Psi games with Snowflake super often.

Mushin No Shin is a staple of PE since it serves as both economy (4 clicks and 3 credits worth of work done by 1 card and 2 clicks) and helping play the mind games that PE excels at.

I'd also look at trying to fit in Heritage Committee - helping you draw into your combo pieces early and helping to stack the deck with what you want on top (like a Snare or Fetal).

So, overall, I'd probably look at increasing agenda density (getting rid of the Brain Trusts, Corporate War, and Nisei Mk II for House of Knives, Philotic Entanglement to enable the kill, etc.) and cutting the Adonis and Private Contracts for cards like Mushin and Celebrity Gift, and cutting some of the ICE for ones that are permissive but cause problems for the runner.

5 Jun 2016 thethinktanker

Thanks @mrgoldendeal, though I'm only using cards up to Future Proof. I've got the base set and the first cycle, haven't had a chance to get anything from Creation and Control onwards. Any suggestions for things to change with only cards up to Future Proof?