Triple Threat PE

DonCheadle 16

3+3 = dead runner. Simple maths, everybody.

The deck revolves around getting 3 Brain Damage on the Runner, then getting 3 Net/Meat damage on the runner during your turn. Basically this means Cerebral into Ronin or Show of Force, though a lategame Philotic Entanglement may also do the trick.

16 Dec 2016 ANRguybrush

Noone has commented on this, but I think Show of Force is great here. Potentially deals 3 damage for zero clicks, this ups the threat of leaving advanced cards on the table by a large margin.

16 Dec 2016 DonCheadle

``@guy.brush` Thanks my man, that's the idea. If the runner leaves a triple advanced Show of Force and Ronin on board they're pretty much dead next turn. So even if the runner never runs into a Cerebral the risk still exists.

It gets a bit tougher with runners who run anything remorselessly, double Voter Intimidation is here to deal with the Guru's but stuff like Heartbeat or Feedback Filter can be a big problem (as with any PE build).

Any idea on card additions? This build is still pretty raw and could definitely use some improving.

16 Dec 2016 mawa

Damnit, beat me to it. I'll have to publish the Show of Force PE deck I've been running soon. How did you find running Ronin + Show of Force? I find that I can't find the Mushins to match. How are you doing for money when you only have Hedge Fund? And I never tried Mind Game - how are you finding it?

16 Dec 2016 timurleng

What about Enforced Curfew? May be easier to get their hand size down to 2. Maybe a Shattered Remains to deal with hardware like Feedback Filter or Obelus

16 Dec 2016 DonCheadle

@RubbishyUsername You're right, finding Mushin's is definitely an issue. Econ wise we're a little stumped, but I'm not a huge fan of Celebrity Gift in PE as it very often makes strategies very obvious.

Mind Game's a bit expensive in this deck, but can provide a sound answer to early runs. It's unreliability makes it kind of hard to use though. I'd probably cut down to one and check further performance.

@timurleng Those are some nice suggestions. If everything goes according to plan Curfew should be unnecessary (otherwise we'd be running Chairman Hiro and Bio-Ethics Association) and I'm trying to find the balance between Curfew and Scarcity of Resources since the latter is amazing in slowing the runner down early on.

Also interesting to note that this is a PE deck that can get away with running currents. Not a common sight in my book.

Shattered Remains is an interesting pick and an unexpected one too. I tihnk both card suggestions warrant experimentation but may very well make their way into the deck.