Reina Roja, IceEater

Nalgatore 3

Let's try a Ice eater

5 Dec 2014 merrja

It looks reasonably solid, but I think I see a few points of concern.

  1. You're at 48 cards. You really should cut down.

  2. How do you deal with Blue Sun? Yes, you can keep them poor, but they can go Credit, install Curtain Wall, Oversight AI, and then they are back in the action. Consider putting in D4v1d for those matchups.

  3. You are floating tags with John Masanori, DLR and Account Siphon, but running Kati Jones and Xanadu. If the Corp gets the chance, they will trash them, Kati especially.

  4. Outside of Kati (which will be trashed in a heartbeat), your main money seems to be from Account Siphon recursion and Inject.

    These are very dicey when it comes to their use in a game - I cut Inject from my decks because it often clogs up your hand with stuff you can't play (because your poor), or it trashes the programs you want, leaving you with money which you then have to spend on Deja Vu's to get them back again.

    Account Siphon has its own problems - you have to draw it early for it to be really useful, and it doesn't work against Asset-heavy Corp decks (Like NBN), or very rich Corp decks (Like Weyland).

This deck seems very good against Jinteki and HB, however, so my concerns about NEH and Blue Sun matchups may be completely invalidated by your local meta.

5 Dec 2014 Nalgatore

Thanks for the comment! i'm new to runner and searching for advice.

5 Dec 2014 Bananifier

If you want to play Anarch Denial, you may want to take a sneak peek at Anatomy Of Anarchy, which was all the rage a few months (weeks?) ago: