Looking for Gold in the Amazon

josh.1 42

Next Gold is a mean piece ice, but being at a somewhat weak strength it needs some help to land multiple times.

Ideally I would like a Amazon industrial zone or an Executive boot camp early to start rezing ice on servers.

when some ice is rezzed the goal is to have enough money to be able to both rez a next gold, and boost it with corporate trouble shooter to make sure that it hits.

10 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Out of all the NEXT decks cropping up with the advent of NEXT Gold, I'm surprised more don't run Amazon Industrial Zone. I'm not sure both Executive Boot Camp and AIZ is necessary, but I guess putting Boot Camp and AIZ in your scoring server while you are setting up is pretty sweet. You AIZ everything ICE you install to your scoring remote, and then Boot Camp your more lightly defended centrals.

3x Mother Goddess feels like overkill to me. Minelayer might pull a surprising amount of weight for you, and I've yet to see anyone run it in these Gold decks. I'd also like to see it comboed with Tenma Line but that's hard to get up and running. However if you did use Tenma, Architect and Gold become ever more threatening.

10 Apr 2015 josh.1

@FarCryFromHuman wow i never even thought about Minelayer, it could a TON of work in this type of deck.

I understand your sentiment that 3x Mother Goddess might be overkill, but with the idea being that i want to make a NEXT Gold as painful as possible with Corporate Troubleshooter i think they earn their spots.

Also After playing this deck a few times i almost prefer Executive Boot Camp over Amazon Industrial Zone for the simple reason that it can help with every server, not just the one it is installed in. Also being that most of the ice in this deck is somewhat cheap the little bit of money saved early is nice.

11 Apr 2015 cranked

You want to really make NEXT Gold stick?

Play IT Department.