The curse is lifted (3rd at Iberian Lockdown 3)

Cpt_nice 1933

This deck is a near identical copy of the deck I tanked with at Worlds, going 2 - 5 during the day. Combined with my former tragic expeditions outside my yellow comfort zone, I figured I would never get a good result with a non-NBN ID. Seems that curse has finally been lifted.

There isn't a ton to say about the deck, other than that it has the Blue Sun/Weyland advantage of being able to win in several ways. In this case, kill via Punitive, rig shooting, or just scoring out, each of which I managed to do during the tournament. I leaned a bit harder into program destruction than usual, expecting anarchs to be underrepresented (they were), so besides three Batties I also added Trojan Horse, which got me a lockout win. I figured the Batties would also help against the dreaded Film Critic via Tithonium. Nevertheless, I also added 1 Under The Bus as extra protection.

My corp was undefeated in swiss, beating Kit, Az, Silhouette and Fisk. In the cut it played a 20 minute game of chicken with another Kit deck, were I kept reinstalling and rezzing ice on a remote with Oversight AI to make money, daring him to come break it. He didn't take the bait, a Batty psi game being obvious. I didn't find any 3 pointers to push out though (or a second Batty), so my opponent decided to dig on R&D. Saw 3 cards, which gave him 9 points. And I just looked on sadly with double Puntive in hand.

Thanks again to all the players and Vesper for another great tournament, looking forward to number 4!