Miss Jackson, if you're Nasty

amocaT 1

There's always got to be a first, and this is mine. The deck is a sketch, but I'm hoping the friendly folk of netrunnerdb can help me with the details. I haven't spent much time playtesting, but this is how it's sleeved right now.

The main idea is to keep the corp poor by using Blackguard (Yes, it IS expensive) to force rez all the cards you expose with Silhouette: Stealth Operative and Infiltration. With a cash-strapped corp, you can de-rez ice (maybe 1 more Emergency Shutdown?) and run as much as you can.

I'm waiting for some cards to arrive to bump up Account Siphon to 3x. I'm curious to see how Hostage works to get the economy working through the connection resources, since economy isn't remotely clickless, even with Daily Casts and Net Celebrity. While I'm clicking for credits through my resources, I need card draw, and Earthrise Hotel should have that need covered. I'm hoping Special Order will keep my limited icebreaker suite from completely screwing me.

I'm a little concerned about complete lack of recursion, but that may not be a huge worry like it is on the corp side.

27 Feb 2015 amocaT

Economy and breaker suite taken directly from Supplier Gabe (http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/16218/supplier-gabe-store-championship-winner-chicago-il). Thanks, Daine!

28 Feb 2015 JohnnyMilton

3 Account Siphon is definitely best, and some Same Old Things, if you can find space.
And I'd recommend swapping out Net Celebrity for something else. The best thing about Net Celebrity is that it's a current, so if you're determined to play a current, pick one from in faction (Unscheduled Maintenance goes alright). Otherwise, try spending that influence on some more money (to get that Blackguard out) like via. Lucky Find or Magnum Opus.

28 Feb 2015 amocaT

@JohnnyMilton Great feedback. Thanks!