NBN Media blitz

x3r0h0ur 8956

Can score on 0 credits, can recover fast from siphon. Get a face up sansan behind an ETR and go to town. Draws fast so have a jackson out to spread your agendas. Likely you won't be icing HQ, unless you're up against a criminal with AS recursion. To beat that, 1 ice and rush out agendas before they get their breakers.

7 Jan 2014 nbove

Very nice, interesting ideas. What do you think about potentially trying to find room for Power Shutdown? It seems to have some synergy in this deck. You already have Jacksons to wash agendas out of archives. A timely shutdown on a critical ice breaker could be all you need to seal the deal for this deck and would help to prolong the time before the deck folds under runner pressure.

9 Jan 2014 temporar

I like this deck a lot. There are some modifications I was considering. Maybe, you have already tried them and dismissed for a reason yet unknown to me.

  1. +3 Profiteering -3 Gila. I imagine that the idea of this deck is to set up quick double ice remote (Pop-up/ETR) and put agenda behind it. Advance. Draw some cards, get some money, put another agenda. Advance put ETR on R&D etc. Big hand and no ices on HQ. So the corp has to choose every click whether to go for more money or cards/advancements. If the runners gets an icebreaker, he won't be using more than 1-2 credits to get pass R&D / remote and then freely on HQ. So having 3 bad publicities is not such a big problem for the corp. And more importantly, having 4-9 bad publicities does not constitute additional drawback apart from likelihood of SanSan thrash. However, having up to 15 cash right after Profiteering score is a great boost. You can put and rez Sansan, agenda and still be able to advance it and rez protecting ices.
  2. +1 Eli -1 Rototurret. This is a bit controversial, surprising Rototurret hit can significantly slow the runner and block the entrance to server early on, but at a later game Eli seems more taxing, especially on R&D / HQ runs. So one of each :-).

  3. -1 Pop-up +1 Draco. That's a minor change. Draco is a bit more expensive but with enough cash it gives an option to stop the Runner and thrash his resources. If approached early on it may mislead the Runner that this is not a blitz deck.

One other question. If you dropped Biotic Labor, what would you replace it with?

10 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think roto is there to reset the value of chimera and enigma, I think paper all can go back to wall of static or in the future, wrap around. I wouldn't change it out for Eli at all. You should win before they can dig.

I think the bad pub helps runners enough that I might as well just have gila though, as in, SMC + bad pub is bad.

I don't want draco because I never want to pump a trace. This is not MN.

I would try shutdown, but there is simply not enough inf, I'd rather use my rushing to get the agendas down and dirty and score them the hard way. SMC makes this tough, but it does okay against criminal if you can pop up on top of you remote.

Try out PS and report back.